The Witch’s Compendium of Monsters is a fantasy series by Genoveva Dimova. It follows the story of Kosara, a young witch who is training to become a monster hunter. The series is set in a world inspired by Slavic folklore, and it features a variety of creatures from that mythology.
The first book in the series, Foul Days, was published in 2024. It was followed by Ace Up Her Sleeve and Monstrous Nights.

Foul Days: The series kicks off with this thrilling adventure. Kosara, a skilled witch, finds herself on the run from her ex, the fearsome Zmey, the Tsar of Monsters. To escape his clutches, she trades her shadow, the source of her magic, for passage to Belograd. As she navigates this new city, she must confront the deadly wasting sickness that plagues shadowless witches and unravel the mystery behind a series of murders.

Monstrous Nights: This sequel follows Kosara’s journey as she reclaims her stolen shadows and faces the consequences of her actions. With her magic restored, she must protect Chernograd from a growing threat that could tear the veil between the human and monster worlds. Asen, the detective who aided her in the first book, returns to play a significant role in this thrilling adventure.

The series has received positive reviews from readers and critics alike. It has been praised for its well-developed characters, its rich world-building, and its exciting plot.

These books offer a rich tapestry of Slavic mythology, featuring creatures like rusalkas, kikimoras, and lycanthropes.