“Shades of Magic” is a fantasy series by author Victoria Schwab. The first book “A Darker shade of Magic” was published in 2015. The series consists of 3 books.

The magic in the story of Shuab is alive. She has a consciousness and desires. The plot tells of 4 parallel worlds, each of which has a London. The name is the only thing they have in common. At the beginning of these worlds, there were doors between them and people could travel freely. But a plague in one of the cities forced the kingdoms to close their borders to protect themselves.

Plot – Shades of Magic

Black London has long been lost. Years ago, magic took control there and destroyed all living things. Frightened by the black plague, the other worlds seal their gates and no one can travel. The story of the fallen city is a mysterious legend that terrifies children. The truth has long been lost, and no one knows the fate of Black London.

White London is closest to the borders of the fallen city. Left alone with the threat, it sank into ruin and its magic slowly began to fade. The strongest sit on the throne and power is bloodily seized. The inhabitants of the city are starving and ready to kill for every drop of magic.

Red London is the most prosperous. Here magic is in balance with the population. This is the birthplace of the main character, Kell.
The gray London has long forgotten its magic. We can compare it with our real world. This is where Kell meets the main character, Lila. A thief, a murderer and a ruthless criminal. Lila knows how to survive and deal with any danger.

The magic in these worlds is elemental with the following elements: Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Bone. Gifted wizards usually assimilate only one, very rarely two or more elements. The most powerful of all are Antari, they are the only ones who can travel through the worlds with blood magic. The main character is a representative of this endangered species of mages. Kel served as a mediator between worlds for the King of Red London, delivering messages to the rulers of all Londoners. Although Antari has everything he needs, there is a secret life of a smuggler between worlds. Carrying items is strictly forbidden, and this brings the main character a lot of trouble.

Books in Shades of Magic:
A Darker Shade of Magic (2015)
A Gathering of Shadows (2016)
A Conjuring of Light (2017)