The Red Rising series by Pierce Brown is a science fiction saga set in a distant future where humanity has colonized the solar system. The story follows Darrow, a young man from the lowest social class, known as the Reds. He joins a revolution to overthrow the ruling class, the Golds, and bring justice to his people.

Society’s Color Hierarchy

The societal structure in the Red Rising universe is built on a caste system, originally created by the first humans on Earth to maintain order during the colonization of the Moon. This system evolved into a rigid hierarchy perfected by the early Golds as they expanded their dominion across the solar system. Humanity is divided into fourteen distinct “Colors,” each representing a caste with specific roles and traits.

Society’s Color Hierarchy

Initially, the Colors were merely human beings wearing clothing that denoted their positions. After Earth’s conquest, the founders of the Society employed genetic engineering to enhance each caste, altering physical attributes such as hair and eye color to match their designated role. Genetic modifications also enhanced physical and mental capabilities tailored to their tasks.

Examples include:

  • Reds (miners): Small and wiry, adapted for underground labor.
  • Obsidians (elite warriors): Large and powerful, with unique traits like extra fingers.
  • Golds (rulers and conquerors): Exceptionally strong, with bones five times denser than the average human.

An individual’s destiny is determined entirely by their Color, making the hierarchy unyielding and oppressive.

Color Roles in Society


  • Golds: Rulers of society.
  • Silvers: Financiers and businesspeople.
  • Whites: Clergy and judges.
  • Coppers: Administrators, lawyers, and bureaucrats.


  • Blues: Starship crew and pilots.
  • Yellows: Doctors and scientists.
  • Greens: Programmers and technicians.
  • Violets: Artisans and creatives.
  • Oranges: Mechanics and engineers.
  • Grays: Soldiers and law enforcement.


  • Browns: Servants, cooks, and caretakers.
  • Obsidians: Elite soldiers and bodyguards.
  • Pinks: Pleasure slaves and social facilitators.
  • Reds: Laborers and miners.

Books in the Series

  1. Red Rising: Introduces Darrow’s world and the beginning of his journey.
  2. Golden Son: Chronicles Darrow’s deeper infiltration into the Golds’ ranks and his struggle against them.
  3. Morning Star: The climax of the revolution, featuring decisive battles for freedom.
  4. Iron Gold (2018): Explores the aftermath of the rebellion and the challenges of building a new society.
  5. Dark Age (2019): Highlights the conflicts and sacrifices needed to sustain a fragile peace.
  6. Light Bringer (2023): Continues the saga with new threats and alliances.