Sarah A. Parker, a talented author hailing from the picturesque landscapes of New Zealand, now calls the vibrant Gold Coast her home. Alongside her loving husband and three adorable children, she embraces a fulfilling life filled with creativity and family. When she isn’t immersed in the world of words, Sarah finds joy in nurturing her beloved plants, cherishing quality time with friends and family, and embarking on exciting winter adventures in the snow.

Sarah A. Parker

With a lifelong passion for storytelling, Sarah’s literary journey began in her early years. However, it’s only recently that she has decided to share her captivating tales with the world. 

Books by Sarah A. Parker

Crystal Bloom Series

  1. To Bleed a Crystal Bloom (2021)
  2. To Snap a Silver Stem (2022)
  3. To Flame a Wild Flower (2023)


  1. When the Moon Hatched (2024)
  2. The Ballad of Falling Dragons (2025)