M. L. Wang is a self-published author known for her Theonite Series and her military fantasy novel, The Sword of Kaigen. Growing up biracial in the United States, Wang was deeply influenced by the racial tensions and mechanisms of oppression she observed. This fascination with racism and prejudice is reflected in her Theonite universe, where an inverted racial hierarchy features a dominant West African empire and a devastated Europe. The Theonite Series, which combines genres like magic school, alternate history, and superheroes, aims to help readers empathize with different perspectives.

M. L. Wang

Wang’s latest book, The Sword of Kaigen, is set in the Japanese-inspired corner of the Theonite universe, thirteen years before the main series. Initially conceived as a backstory for the Matsuda family’s anti-Ranganese tendencies, the story evolved into a full-fledged novel. The Sword of Kaigen explores themes such as Japanese and Chinese martial arts, complex adult characters, and religious symbolism, all while maintaining the core principle of walking a mile in someone else’s shoes.

The inspiration for The Sword of Kaigen also stems from Wang’s personal history. In 1937, a Japanese bullet narrowly missed her great grandmother in a village outside Nanjing, an event that echoes in the novel’s references to the Nanjing Massacre. Wang’s work continues to challenge readers to consider different perspectives and histories, making her a distinctive voice in the world of self-published fantasy.

Publication Order of Theonite Books

Planet Adyn (2016)
Orbit (2017)

Theonite War

The Sword of Kaigen (2019)

Publication Order of Standalone Novels
Blood Over Bright Haven (2023)

The Alchemy of Sorrow (2022)
When Swords Fall Silent (2023)