The Green Bone Saga is a fantasy series by author Fonda Lee. The first book is titled Jade City and was published in 2017.


The plot is a mixture of mafia and crime story, combined with fantasy kung fu elements. It is set on the island of Kekon, which is very similar to Hong Kong in terms of atmosphere and energy. The world that Fonda Lee builds impresses with its originality and detailed structure.


The events in Jade City take place a generation after the end of the War of Many Nations, in which a Greenbones liberation movement successfully fought to end the foreign occupation of Kekon. After the war, the allies lacked a unified vision for the development of the island and split into several rival clans. The largest is the Mountain Clan, led by the Aith family, and the second largest is the No Peak Clan, led by the Kaul family.

Kekone possesses the only jade reserves in the world, a mineral that gives its owner supernatural abilities. Safe handling of jade requires a combination of genetic predisposition and intensive training in the six jade disciplines of strength, temperament, perception, lightness, distraction and abundance.

The Abukei are a race that is completely immune to the effects of jade.
The Green Bones are the only ones with the innate resilience and sensitivity to use jade.
Kekkon without the ability to use jade are called Kamenooks and are considered cursed. According to their beliefs, the gods have punished them by taking away their gift.

All other ethnicities are very sensitive to wearing jade and it is harmful to them. They must resort to a newly discovered drug, SN1 or Glow, which allows them to wear jade and use the powers it gives them.

Clan structure The Green Bone Saga


The leader of the Green Bones Clan. The highest ranking in the hierarchy.
“The clan is my blood and the Pillar is its master.”

Pillar Man

Personal assistant. The Pillar’s most trusted subordinate. Performs secretarial work. Has no subordinates of his own and reports only to Pillar.


Military leader of the clan, responsible for protecting the clan’s territories and its members.


A superior military leader who is responsible for protecting part of the clan’s territory. He reports directly to the Horn. His subordinates are the Fingers.


The lowest level in the clan hierarchy. They are subordinate to the Fist.

White Rat

They are impervious to the jade, often have stone eyes and run various errands for the clan. They are often spies in enemy territory.


The Synoptics report directly to the Pillar. He manages the financial and diplomatic aspects of the clan. He collects and negotiates the levies (protection fees) paid by the Lanterns.


Direct subordinates of the Synoptics who are not necessarily Greenbones.


Craftsmen and owners of stores located on clan territory. They pay a fee known as a levy, which guarantees them protection from attacks, financial support in the event of disasters and other material damage.

Jade City won the 2018 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel (along with The Changeling by Victor LaValle) and the 2018 Aurora Award for Best Novel, and was a finalist for the 2018 Nebula Award for Best Novel and the 2018 Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel.


Books in The Green Bone Saga:

Jade City
Jade War
Jade Legacy

Novels with backstory:
The Jade Setter of Janloon
Jade Shards

In August 2020, Peacock announced that it would be developing a TV series adaptation based on the books.