Book Review: Assassin’s Quest
- Author: Robin Hobb
- Series: Farseer Trilogy #3
- 757 pages
- First published March 1, 1997

The Assassin’s Quest
The series consists of three books, each of which follows a different phase in the life of the main character, FitzChivalry. We begin with his early childhood and reach the moment of his final maturation. The fact that he physically grows up before our eyes is not the only change in his character. In all three books, we also follow his emotional development. Fitz goes through a series of mental changes that are typical of this time in a boy’s life.
By the end of the series, FitzChivalry is already on the verge of becoming a man. In his younger years, he has gone through many hardships and had to make many sacrifices. Now he gets the chance to start over, turn his back on his life as a killer and become normal. All he has to do is forget the oath he swore to the rightful king. To close himself off to the call of Iskren. Put himself and his desires first for once… Not yet.
Of the three books, this one was the most difficult for me to read. There were too many pages dedicated to the journey and too few battle scenes. I was expecting it to be filled with a lot more Coterie encounters. Fitz was definitely very good in his role as a catalyst, but disappointing as an assassin. He never wanted to fully commit to the job.
In Assassin’s Quest, we finally learn the truth about the Forefathers.
The portrayal of the mystical beings who come to the aid of the Six Duchies is finally complete. But I wouldn’t say I’m satisfied with what they represent. The idea of creating them, and the price that must be paid to awaken them, was breathtaking, but something was missing for me, and that was the nature of the creatures, which have no humanity whatsoever.
King Shrewd is dead at the hands of his son Regal. As is Fitz–or so his enemies and friends believe. But with the help of his allies and his beast magic, he emerges from the grave, deeply scarred in body and soul. The kingdom also teeters toward ruin: Regal has plundered and abandoned the capital, while the rightful heir, Prince Verity, is lost to his mad quest–perhaps to death. Only Verity’s return–or the heir his princess carries–can save the Six Duchies.
But Fitz will not wait. Driven by loss and bitter memories, he undertakes a quest: to kill Regal. The journey casts him into deep waters, as he discovers wild currents of magic within him–currents that will either drown him or make him something more than he was.