Best Served Cold is an amazing adventure that Abercrombie takes us through very skillfully, but blindfolded. Get ready for lots of blood, twists and more blood.
Book Review: Best Served Cold
- Author: Joe Abercrombie
- Series: First Law World #4
- Format: 534 pages, hardcover
- Published: June 5, 2009 by Gollancz
- ISBN: 9780575082458 (ISBN10: 0575082453)
- ASIN: 0575082453
- Language: English
The book tells the story of Monza and a Northerner named Kaul, nicknamed Shivers, who has fled to the South to become a good man. The title of course implies that Monza will get revenge, and what and who he is getting revenge on is made clear in the first chapter. That didn’t really surprise me, but the way he gets his revenge, OMG you should get ready for a bloody fantasy with lots of twists and surprises. Just when you think you know what’s coming next and who dies, Abercrombie says “hold my beer”!
Get ready for a lot of black humor from the author. Personally, I laughed a lot and was often asked by Dora and the kids, “What are you giggling about now?”.
Best Served Cold is a standalone book, but it is recommended that you have read the First Law series beforehand. Otherwise, you’ll now be wondering why and how they know each other. But who is this Glokta and why are they so afraid of him?
It is set in Styria, which is torn apart by wars for supremacy and political games. Grand Duke Orso is on the verge of becoming king, but Monza is determined to get revenge by chopping off his head. Abercrombie very skillfully introduces us to the world and leaves no room for questions. You travel to dozens of cities and meet many characters (most briefly), but my favorite city remained Sipani. A city of fog, thieves and easy women, where the greatest massacre in history takes place.
My review of Best Served Cold.
I would recommend the book to all fans of the genre, but I think it will appeal to all lovers of a good read. I particularly liked the fact that the plot kept surprising me and I couldn’t predict what was going to happen and who was still alive. I give this book 5 stars with both hands and will be delving further into the world of First Law with the next book on the list, The Heroes.
And for those of you who insist on hot scenes: There’s some hot eggplant in two places, but don’t get your hopes up too high.